Monday 2 April 2012

Skidooing on the Porcupine River

Old Crow from the air

Yesterday I went on a skidoo adventure up the Porcupine River.   Picture untouched powder, sun, open and vast land as far as they eye. It was beautifully sunny. I went with four friends from Old Crow and we were trying to make it to a cabin that was 61 miles up the Porcupine River.

 It was incredible to be on the land that I look at from the plane and to see the steep cliffs on the shore of the river flying by. I'm not much of a skidoo person, and this was my longest trip by skidoo byfar. I have to say that contrary to what I thought before today, skidooing is much more physical than I thought.

Oxbow River tha isn't the porcupine but that gives an impression of the land I was skidooing on yesterday.

I was surprised to be so sore today. Good old Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (human kinetics degree taught me something :p) probably from holding onto the skidoo and from all the suuuuuuper fun bumps that we went off on the river. My friend let me drive her skidoo and driving fast was insanely fun. The rest of the time I was a passenger which was also a blast.

Our trip was cut short when we got to a spot where a creek enters the river. The lead skidoo didn't see the overflow and flipped his sled. We stopped at another cabin instead and had a nice lunch. Everyone had smokies (hot dogs) and I had hobo-style soup out of the can, heated on the stove. The trip back to town was uneventful except for stopping to talk to a few other skidooers out (mostly out to cut wood).
Northern Store which has groceries, post office and bank.
Ayla, my new husky pup
The photos I have uploaded aren't taken yesterday. My camera cord isn't working as of now, so the photos from yesterday aren't up.

I am really loving Old Crow and the Yukon. Although the Yukon's population is way smaller than other provinces, the people who do live here make up for it in character, adventurousness and sense of humour. There are few people I have met in Old Crow who don't like to laugh, play practical jokes and who don't have a sensationally good sense of humour.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy spring everyone. Those of you on the Island, smell a blossom for me and those in Ontario harvest some fiddleheads and eat them for me when they come up.

Warm Regards from Old Crow,


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